Get into hardware hacking with the ioNode
A beginner-friendly embedded development kit The ioNode is a tiny and versatile microcontroller board. What's a microcontroller you say? Quick answer: a small processor with some RAM, Flash storage and a few peripheral interfaces. The ioNode is the ultimate AVR development board from Dooba, hosting a powerful ATMEGA1284P. Program it with some code to manipulate the individual inputs/outputs and start interacting with other chips, boards and target systems. The ioNode is programmed via USB (cable included) but your code can also communicate with a host computer for configuration, logging or whatever you may need. A bunch of basic components including...
- All
- 3D print
- azban
- Basilisk
- Birb
- Bundesfeiertag
- bypass
- case
- defend
- delivery
- detect
- embedded
- enclosure
- ethernet
- gigabit
- injection
- inspection
- lan
- merch
- microcontroller
- migration
- mitm
- Nautilus
- netsplit
- network
- packet
- payload
- pentest
- PoE
- radio
- replay
- shell
- shop
- Skunk
- sniff
- Sparkplug
- Swiss day
- Syphoon
- transition
- TTL232
- usb
- web
- wifi
- Windows
- wireless