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bypass, network, pentest -

Exfiltration made easy Need to break out of a tight network? Skip the headaches and mount a TCP tunnel over DNS or ICMP with Bonfire. Flexible, reliable and efficient, Bonfire allows transparently forwarding connections from one host through another with ease. A single portable binary offers both client and server functionality. Even better, Bonfire runs equally well across Windows and Linux operating systems. Elevated privileges are not even required most of the time. The best part? It's free and fully open-source. Go get it today!

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Birb, pentest, web -

The setting As a pentester, I've been mostly dissatisfied with the major web fuzzing / discovery tools. With recurring issues ranging from "too tedious to setup (or use)", to simply "way too slow", about two years ago I started thinking I should maybe do something about it. The idea I decided to create a new tool, initially mostly for finding web directories, but with the ultimate intent of having a general web fuzzer. The requirements were clear: * must be easy to run (single binary) * simple to use with clear help * flexible enough to address most scenarios * quick...

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