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The Azban is a great way to compromise systems. Write a few lines of shell script and plug the USB device into a computer to run your payload regardless of operating system or keyboard layout. However, there are many cases where it would be even better to fit the Azban device into a "legitimate" device's enclosure. For this reason, I decided to also offer a Slim version of the Azban device, designed around the form factor for most common commercial USB flash drive enclosures. An example is shown below, fitting the Azban Slim into one of these classic "spinner" style...

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azban, delivery, injection, payload, usb -

The Azban USB device is now available from our products section! This is the business end of the Azban payload delivery platform - the actual USB device that is plugged into a computer to unleash the power of the raccoon god (or just run your payload script). Get yours now: Azban USB device

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